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Rodolfo Rivademar was born in Argentina in 1957. His childhood was steeped in an artistic environment that fostered his early development in drawing and painting.

Maturing in this tradition, he gained his first “Best of Show” award at the age of 10 with a watercolor of the Cathedral of San isidro of Buenos Aires.

Despite this early approbation in fine art, when of age he entered into a technical field. Architecture would prove to further enhance his artistic abilities, and through courses in drafting and sculpture with notable Argentine instructors such a Rivero Rodrigo, Carlos Terribili and Estela Pereda, his first love of fine art surfaced with new meaning.

Coming to the United States, he sought to further pursue this interest with studies in watercolor and oil painting under the tutelage of notable instructor Michael Daniel.

To date Rodolfo Rivademar has taken part in over sixty exhibitions, including many one-man shows, and has been the recipient of several prestigious awards. His paintings form part of many collections both here and abroad, and have been reproduced in Southwest Art Magazine, American Art Review, Art and Antiques Magazine, as well as in numerous catalogs. His work has also been pictured in the Los Angeles Times, The Daily Breeze, Orange County Register, ArtTalk and many other publications.

Rodolfo Rivademar is a charter artist member of the California Art Club. To further study the artist traveled to Europe 1995; assimilating the knowledge of the old masters.


"I find that painting nature is a way to reconnect with timeless simple values such as seeing the connection of everything in Creation. This leads to a State of Exaltation and inner peace as a result of cleansing the mind from any thought that would otherwise react in our minds. Perhaps a variation on the old disciplines of meditation originated in India and the far East."


Carlos Terribili, Rivero Rodrigo, Estela Pereda, Clara Perait Ramos: drawing painting and sculpture.
Long Beach City Collage: drawing, watercolor and painting instructor: Mike Daniel
School of Architecture, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

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